Back to School

In my family, back to school time is a great time of change.  The sleep schedules change.  The eating schedules change.  Our day to day calendar changes.  Children stress about new classes, new teachers and new friends.  It can be stressful for everyone. I encourage...

Money, Money, Money

Why do lawyers charge so much?  That is a question I hear all of time, whether from clients or people I meet.  Of course, fees can vary depending on whether you are filing a bankruptcy case, divorce are arguing over a business deal gone badly. The truth is that...

Alienation of Affection and Divorce

All too many times marriages are broken up by people who should know better.  People who know that a person is married and continue to pursue that person resulting in an affair and divorce.  This affair and divorce affects the custody of the children and can all to...

A Family’s Attorney

I have been blessed to represent many fantastic clients over my twelve years of practice.  We formed very efficient and successful relationships that have lasted for many years. I like to think back to the old practice of law which focused on professionalism and...

How Obamacare affects your business

Many of my business clients and actually clients in general are trying to understand how the new Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) affects their business. There are several areas of the Act which may affect you or your business. As an individual new exchanges are...